Friday, March 26, 2010

Red Vs White wine

Wine is a growing industry that has a long history. Since the taste varies depending on the climate, geography, grape, storage, and human labor, even wine experts cant predict any of next outcomes due to change on earth. People categorize wines mainly by Red and White wines. This categorization can be easily observed at the most of grocery stores, or on the menus at the restaurant. Despite the appearance (color) of wines, what is the true difference and similarity between two wines?

First, the difference between red and white wine can be observed obviously through the color. On the one hand, red wines have velvet, reddish ruby color, and white wine has a light brown color. The predominant color difference is from the kinds of grapes used and especially about the crushing process. The majority of wines are made from the red grapes, whether it is red or white wine, the process of fermentation – taking the skin off- is what accounts for the color of wine; therefore, white wines have almost no skin contacts with juice and grapes that have lots of skin contacts with juice causes to be a red wine. Interestingly, a white and red wine can be made from exactly the same grape.

From the previous paragraph, it can be assumed that how the skins of grapes affect the taste greatly. When a white wine is made, the seeds and skins are separated from the grape and the remaining pulp is crushed into vat and finally, with addition of yeast will make up the juice to be a white wine. When red wines are made, the whole grapes are combined into the crushing machine and everything sits in the fermentation vat for a period of time. The skin tends to rise to the surface of juice, and a winemaker frequently mixes them to have a better fermentation. After the repeated process, the red wines will stored in an oak barrel and usually white wines will be stored into a stainless steel container.

When wines are stored into different containers and barrels, variety of nutrition of enzymes join the wine. A red wine acquires tannin in process of the maceration (leaving juice, seeds, skins, and woody bits). Tannins are enzymes that contribute to the bitter and deep flavored taste on the red wine. White wines have sweeter and lighter taste than usual red wine because of the presence of less amount of tannin.

Both white and red wine has healthy nutritional values if one intakes recommended amount consumption. A glass of red wine is beneficial for our heart function. Red wines have rich source of antioxidants Antioxidant property help preventing the blood clod and plague formation on the arteries. A recent study from American Thoracic Society, Holgar Schunamman M.D., Ph.D. assistant professor of medicine and social preventive UB School, shows that drinking a white wine may keep lungs healthy. Also he notes that calcium, Iron, phosphorus, magnesium and variety of vitamins and abundant minerals are present in 3.5oz amount of wine.


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